Getting some inspiration from a large grey wolf in Whitefish, Montana. He wasn't very chatty.
Sally Guynn Art & Books
I think of me as a storyteller. I thrive on expressing myself through writing and painting. Creativity makes my heart sing...I invite you to listen for its music.
-- Sally Felvey Angus Guynn

My Books
I wrote my first book, "I Know Why the Chameleon Smiles: A Memoir" for my family only as an heirloom, not for the public. I'm working on a shorter version for the public titled "A Wolf, a Chameleon & Me" coming soon.
Book #2, "The Tortoise Tales", is a delightful collection of original animal stories I wrote and illustrated mainly for 9-10 year olds, but found senior adults love them too. Like a cross between Bindi meets Nat Geo, the book blends current issues with fictional wildlife and real science facts. Available on Amazon or www.thetortoisetales.com.
Book #3, "Dread-Locked" is a fiction, mystery novel about a young teen visiting the island of St. Thomas who refuses to become a victim to tragedy. Now in review but available soon.
"Creating A Leadership Force" is a how-to guide for any organization desiring to create an effective leadership development program. It describes many best practices of the successful National Conservation Leadership Institute. Available in 2021.

My Art
"Art is not just painting things, but rather seeing them with new eyes."
Please enjoy browsing through my online gallery of some of my paintings.
I enjoy experimenting with different mediums and techniques, painting mostly in watercolor, less in acrylic and alcohol ink. Mostly what I paint is what grabs my interest from landscapes, waterscapes, wildlife, and fantasy to my drawing board.
I love belonging to the Bon Air Artists Association and the Virginia Watercolor Society.
Connect with Me
I love doing book signings and special presentations about my books and/or art. I also speak at special events. Contact me if you have an idea and let's make a great happening come together.